
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Deadly Digs at The Make Den

Finally... After 8 months working and teaching in the cozy little basement at 1207, it was time to take the studio up a notch or two with an awesome new space. The renovations are nearly done, and now we've got big windows, tiffany blue (aka seafoam) walls, new floors and machines and a great patio. The thing I like best about the new studio is that you can reach everything you could ever need to sew with - from any machine. I make no secret of my excitement when I'm teaching. Thread? Why, it's right here mounted on pegboards in easy reach above the machines. Snips? Stuck to the magnets under the pegboard. Scissors and seam-rippers? In cups mounted on the wall. Rolls of elastic and bias tape are mounted on rods to be unrolled as needed. All without moving an inch. Perhaps it's just laziness, but I like to think of it as efficiency. It's just nice to have a place for everything.
Oh! And we'll be serving hot chocolate and baking cookies until midnight for a pre-nuit blanche party on Oct 2nd if anyone would like to come - I'll be there around 9pm with my cherry apron on!

1 comment:

B said...

We love you :)