
Saturday, January 29, 2011

In Memory

Today I was really saddened to hear that Terry Lowe, Momentum's Vancouver/Victoria Editor, has passed away. Terry was one of the founders of Velopalooza, Van's awesome celebration of all things bike. I didn't know Terry very well, but I do know the impact he had at Momentum and the greater cycling community of Vancouver. Thank you Terry! It's passionate cyclists like you who help make it a friendlier world for all of us to bike in.

Tomorrow's Velopaloza "Freeze Your Bike Off Ride" is in his memory.

You will be missed Terry. See you at the big Critical Mass in the sky. xo

1 comment:

Jean said...

I was quite surprised myself. I knew Terry only because I had volunteered for VACC myself for several years and wrote some articles for Momentum where he vetted my stuff as an editor.

He was often a helpful presence at cycling advocacy events.